Iziar Amaia
Ludwig Sanz Orrio
Profesional Investigadora
Tesis doctoral
Tesis dirigidas (2)
Metabolomics of heat-treated Tudela artichoke (poly)phenolic compounds: Effect of the gastrointestinal digestion and gut microbiota on their bioaccesibility and bioavailability 2021
Universidad de Navarra
Domínguez Fernández, María Teresa
Red-fleshed apple as novel anthocyanin-biofortified food: effect of food processing on the (poly)phenolic composition, bioavailability assessment and cardiometabolic effects of anthocyanins 2021
Universitat de Lleida
Yuste Pérez, Silvia
Tribunales de tesis (3)
Secretaria del tribunal
Reformulation of bakery products: from functional ingredients development to in vitro gastrointestinal digestion 2022Universidad de Navarra
Vocal del tribunal
Cactus cladodes (opuntia ficus-indica) as a dietary source of bioaccessible (poly)phenols: Effect of heat treatment, gastrointestinal digestion and human gut microbiota action, and bioactivity in colon 2018Universidad de Navarra
de Santiago Castanedo, Elsy Gabriela
Secretaria del tribunal
Colonic metabolism of phenolic compounds: from in vitro to in vivo approaches 2016Universitat de Lleida
Mosele, Juana Inés